China overtook the U.S. to become the world’s largest economy before the end of 2014. A recent article by Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz claims that the ‘Chinese century’ has begun and that Americans should take China’s new status as the number one economy as a wake-up call. –The Diplomat
With the increasing importance of China on a global stage, doesn’t it make sense to give your kids exposure to the world's most commonly spoken native language? Nearly a billion people speak Mandarin Chinese (pu tung hua) as a native language, whereas only 350 million speak English as a native language.
According to the Asia Society, “The rise of China presents new economic, political and social realities that demand greater U.S. engagement at every level. As the foundation of that engagement, we urgently need to raise the number of Americans who can demonstrate a functional proficiency in Chinese.”
This summer, give your kids a unique camping opportunity to not just have a great time but also to learn Chinese. The earlier kids begin learning a language, the more likely they are to master it as they get older.